
Why would a man or woman enter a field that has traditionally been filled by the opposite sex, such as nursing or engineering?

by Vinícius Vieira Dalbem

In my view, people have realized that this superficial tradition is not to be taken so seriously, because, after all, it is just a tradition. Everybody can perform any task of any profession no matter their gender.
For instance, I have watched and read many articles that show women working as truck drivers. This looks and sounds extremely awkard because we seldom see women in trucks, especially driving them, because of the society which had labeled this profession as it may look like “Men only”. Moreover, the articles showed some men and asked their opinions about it. Most of them said that the women are great and do the job very well and also that is nice to have some feminine company for a change.
Another example is, considering only Brazil, the Portuguese and English teacher career. For example, I did not have a single male Portuguese teacher during all my school time. Perhaps the explanation for that scarcity is that people keep saying that teachers don’t have a high salary and that is a profession made for women, which is very wrong again. A man would enter this field because definitely is not a “Women only”, everyone can learn anything if they put effort in it. It is such a beautiful career, to handle your mother language. It should not be scorned.
Finally, as I said in the first paragraph, everybody can perform anything. Men and women wisely have been destroying this old tradition. They are working with what they love to do. Nobody can deny that is the most important thing ever.

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